Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find the answers to our most frequently asked questions.

If your question is not answered here please feel free to contact us with any further queries you may have by clicking here.


Yes dogs are welcome on the majority of our rallies, but always check the rally details as there may be restrictions imposed by the site owner.

If there are more than two dogs per van please check with the Rally Officer before booking.

Dogs must be on a lead at all times on the rally field.

Most sites have a dog exercise area.


Yes the R.C.A. does have a number of solo caravanners who enjoy the company of others and some play a very active role in the Association.


There is no average cost per night for rallies as the rally fee quoted is for the complete rally.


You will find there are rallies for all budgets.

It is difficult to give an average price as there are so many variables. Some rallies are on farmers' fields with few facilities and others are on commercial camp sites with full facilities.

It depends on the number of nights and the programme that the Rally Officer has arranged.

An example of past rallies include a 7 night rally held on a sports ground with few facilities and no electric is £57.

Our most expensive rally is £234 for 14 nights on a 4* commercial site with full facilities, electric and in house entertainment. There are many more in-between.

You will always get value for money and recover your Membership fee even if you only attend one rally.


You cannot book for a part of a rally. You are required to pay for the rally in full when you arrive and no refund if you leave early as it is not possible to arrange with the sites or landowners on a daily basis and we have to reserve pitches to get favourable rates.

Unfortunately we are unable to run Holiday Rallies where you can arrive and depart at will, as this will cost considerably more per night.


Yes you can use a quiet leisure generator between 10am and 4pm daily.

If you require more time for medical reasons please contact the rally officer.


Firstly have your R.C.A. Membership number to hand.

To enter the Members Area you now need to sign up for an account. You can click Login on the top banner or click on the members area tab.

A sign in page will appear. To access the Members Area of the site you need to be a fully subscribed member of the RCA.

To sign up click on "New to this site? Sign Up" and fill in the required details including your chosen password and click on the black "Sign Up" button.

A message will appear advising you that your request has been sent. It can take up to 48 hours for you to be accepted.

If you are not a member or your membership has lapsed you will be denied.

Once you have been accepted go to Login as normal. If you have forgotten your password click on "Forgotten Password" and follow the instructions.


There are 5 Areas of our Association for administrative purposes. Your Area is dependent on where you live. If you wish to see a map of the Areas click here. As a member you can attend any Rally in any area no matter what area you have been allocated.

© 2024 The Retired Caravanners Association
Registered in London: Company Number: 1388427 · Registered Office: The Retired Caravanners Association 65 Purcell Road, Courthouse Green, Coventry, West Midlands, CV6 7JY · Site By John Patrick Heeley · Top ^